Friday, June 19, 2015

Ramadan Bites of Wisdom (2)


Alhamdulillah for second day of Ramadan.

Thank God for the evergreen words of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al Jilani. It was in 2009 when I first thought of sharing the Shaykh's wise words from his Ramadan tausiyah [quoted from 'The Sublime Revelation'.] 

And now let's revisit and represent it in another format.

Actually we were just thinking of having some kind of Ramadan greetings and using some video templates we had just purchased instead of keeping it idle on the bookshelf. So this niyyat has materialized into under 2-minutes video which hopefully could soothe the heart and make us ponder on the priceless wisdom of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani. If he was a contemporary celebrity author, we sure owe him a lot of royalty. May Allah sanctify his secrets and make us benefit from the select few People of Allah.

Ramadan Kareem!


Credit: Brother Ruslan Moore of Al Baz Publishing
Let's recite Al Fatihah for the late Muhtar Holland (d 2010) who translated the book from Arabic [Al Fath Ar Rabbani] to the English version - The Sublime Revelation.

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