Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Be constantly courageous


Better late than never.
What was I up to three days ago - Wednesday?
[It's Saturday. This is a backdated posting.]

God knows!

Anyhow, give a pat on your back if you have done it before - if you were once courageous. That you tried. Not to have tried is the true failure. That you pushed yourself against all odds. That's one of the countless branches of faith. That you keep pressing on, try again and try again cos as the wise men say, courage is like a muscle, it gets better and stronger by use.

[ pushing for a small posting each day of Twenty Seventeen.]

Says Tom Krause

To anyone of you out there who could use a little push to forge ahead, I say just do/act in spite of the fear.

"In His hands is all good."
- Quran 3:26

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