Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Think limitless | Become comfortable with the uncomfortable


This is what I learned this week, that many people try to escape being in uncomfortable situations. I think it's something that if I try to master, I would succeed big time, over time sooner or later. But the sooner the better. It takes practice, a lot of self-psyching and a huge amount of courage. But if you think about it, it takes a small trick to switch the discomfort around and put it to rest.

I just wanted to have this posting/reminder here so I could come back to it whenever any fear of discomfort try to creep in. The more you allow yourself to be in uncomfortable situations, the more practice you get, and with more practice, you'll get better and you'll master it eventually. So don't be like those who despite having a big post/salary they shy away from being in uncomfortable situations. Be brave, seek more opportunities, more practice sessions, that's the only way you could learn, better yourself, sharpen your mindset and polish your skills.  

15 Quotes to Overcome Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Have a can-do "possibilitarian" attitude, always, all the time, anytime.
Just do it.

Credit: Chris Hughes


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